The Béjart Ballet Lausanne reunited with its audience last Friday after months of waiting. The Company launched its season at the Opéra de Lausanne by premiering Gil Roman’s Basso Continuum and Maurice Béjart‘s 7 danses grecques before a captivated audience. With Basso Continuum, Gil Roman explores the oniric dimension of black luminosity, like a poetry of contrast, using Richard Dubugnon‘s music to guide the choreography. The spectators were able to enjoy the Lausanne native perform his songs on the double bass live on stage, surrounded by the BBL dancers.
In the second part of the show, the Company presented 7 danses grecques for the first time at the Opéra de Lausanne. The composer Mikis Theodorakis had offered his scores to Maurice Béjart for this piece. “According to the Greeks, this is a ballet where Greece is very much in the spotlight, despite borrowing very little from its folklore”, explains the creator of the BBL.
The Béjart Ballet Lausanne will be on stage until October 11, 2020. The Opéra de Lausanne has implemented a series of measures to welcome the public in the safest sanitary conditions possible: hydroalcoholic gel dispensers on site, compulsory use of a mask, thermal camera at the entrance, a doctor on duty at all times, adapted seating plan, etc.
Basso Continuum and 7 danses grecques can still be discovered on October 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, 2020 at the Opéra de Lausanne.
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